How to Define the Energy of Your New Home
We do not need an obvious life change to decide that we are going to have a new beginning. In every moment, we have the power to decide this for ourselves. Stop, presence yourself to this moment, decide what truly matters, and begin again. More than anything else, the quality of your life is determined by you; the thoughts you choose to think and the choices you choose to make. When we move into a new place, the process of choosing how your life will go becomes both more obvious and also more important than when we continue to live in the same place.
When you move into a new home, it is important to keep in mind that this space has strong energetic imprints from those who have lived there before. If you are not mindful to this, you can easily become influenced by the beliefs and habits of those who have lived there before. But this is nothing to be afraid of. You hold the power to determine the quality and direction of your life. You always have this choice if you are aware of it. But if you are not, you will be like a fish swimming in a dirty fishbowl without the awareness that you are swimming in water and that the water is dirty. Luckily for you, you have the ability to change the water and freshen up the space.
When you are living in a home, you are in a relationship. Everyday, you are in relation to your space and the two of you are having an energetic conversation. If you are not mindful in your day-to-day life, you will pick up and adopt the energy of what is around you. It’s similar to how a kid usually adopts the mindset and beliefs of their parents, how a teenager takes on the attitude of their friends, or a how a new employee quickly becomes enmeshed in the company culture. Your home is filled with energetic imprints from the previous occupants. This is neither good nor bad and it does not have the power to influence you if you decide that this is so. When moving into a new home, if you do not like the way that the space feels either energetically or aesthetically, you can do something about this.
Upon moving into your home, it is important to first start by establishing a relationship with the space. I take my clients through a ceremonial process, but you can do this yourself in any way that feels aligned for you. What matters is to spend time walking through each room and around the property (if it is a single-family home) acknowledging the energetic exchange between you and your new home. When we are interested in getting to know a new person, we spend time with them. We want to know who they are and what they are about and we understand that they want to spend time with us getting to know who we are and what we are about. There is time spent together and an exchange of energy. The same is true for your home. You are most likely going to be spending the majority of your time (whether awake or asleep) in your home and you are both energetic beings having an effect on one another. Acknowledge this and begin the relationship mindfully. This doesn’t have to involve a ton of effort, but do move your body through each space in the home, say hello out loud or in your mind, and acknowledge the fact that you are in a relationship. It also helps if you initiate this relationship with optimism and the best of intentions that you will harmonize well together.
Now that you two have spent time acknowledging each other, it is time for you to decide how this relationship will go. This may seem a little unbalanced but when it comes to homes, the occupant, if they bring awareness to this, is the one who gets to decide how this relationship will go. Your home is like a faithful servant who is eager to support you in whatever you decide is most important. So, take the time to decide what you value and how you want your life to go. Are you in a phase of your life where you value establishing new relationships to grow your social circle or perhaps to grow your business? Are you in a phase where you are healing from a traumatic event and want to nourish and deepen your connection with yourself? Or are you in a phase where you are raising young kids and want to have the energy and optimism to do the job well? Whatever it may be, take the time to bring some awareness to where you are and where you wish to go. Your home would like to support you but will not intervene without your request (much the same as the spirit world). Once you know what you want, in a way that feels aligned for you, make this intention known.
Next, it is time to start clearing the energy that previously occupied the home and imbue your energy throughout the space. The second part to this can and should be an ongoing process. Perhaps you have heard of smudging (though please refrain from using unethically sourced white sage), which is typically the most commonly known way to energetically clear a space. Your intention, however, is what matters most so you could also use candles, incense, salt, bells, clapping, or even a good dance session rocking out to your favorite song to move old energy out and infuse your energy into the space. In addition to these ideas, it is important to not overlook a good clean. As soon as you can, take the time to vacuum the floors and scrub the walls. Make it a pleasant experience by opening the windows, turning on some music, or having your favorite drink nearby. Clean your home while being aware that this is you showing up for you. This is you taking care of yourself and your space and knowing that you have the power to determine how your life will go. And if you can paint your walls, this is one of the strongest ways to infuse your energy throughout the home.
Finally, it is time to add elements to your home that feels supportive to you and your intentions. When I work with my clients, I take them through a process to uncover which possessions are and are not supportive. We then talk about what elements to add that are in energetic alignment with where they wish to go. You don’t have to have the support of someone like me to achieve this, but it is important to slow down, feel into your intentions, and thoughtfully consider what to edit or add to your space. Pause from the rush of your life and set aside any and all outside influences for a bit. The answers are already within you. You have the ability to know what you want and the ability to discern what physical elements are and are not supportive to you. All that is required is your willingness and presence. Know that this is you showing up for you and that your home is happy to support you. The power to influence the quality of your life has always been within you. Allow the canvas of your home to help you facilitate this.
If you would like my support, feel free to check out my package for those who are moving into a new home and for those who are navigating a life transition.
You got this!
All my love,