How to Sell a Home in Boulder Colorado?

If you’re thinking about selling your home, it’s important you understand the five questions you must be able to answer before listing. Getting this right will have a big impact on both your financial and emotional experience in the selling process. Read on to learn all about this.

How Your Home Can Help You Move Forward in Life

The environment that we have control over, usually our homes, almost perfectly reflects what is going on internally if you know how to look at things metaphorically. Our energy on the inside syncs up with the energy on the outside. The beauty is that once you understand the story that is being told, you can start to make changes in your environment to help support the changes that you need to make internally to truly shift your life in a new direction. Let me offer you a story…

DISC Personality Types and How to Lower Real Estate Stress

Feeling overwhelmed about the process of buying or selling a house? Did you know that there are actual steps you can take to lower your stress and increase your enjoyment based on your personality type? There are even certain characteristics to look for in an agent that will improve your experience. Read on for some great insight and tips and tricks! The real estate process doesn’t have to be so hard. And you might just have some fun along the way!