What Sacred Space Is and Why It Matters

What Sacred Space Is and Why It Matters

The phrase sacred space gets thrown around a lot. Usually, it conjures up images of an immaculate space with crystals, silence, and a flood of natural light or a place that one enters, full of reverence for God; for something higher than oneself. But I believe that sacred space is any space that puts you in touch with the sacredness within you. You see, I believe that you are God/Love/some unending part of the Universe (fill in whatever feels right to you) and that you do a service to the world by being in touch with the sacredness that resides with you.

The God aspect within each of us looks different from person to person. We are not all meant to walk this earth quietly giving love to one another in the same way as the next. The sacredness within you has much more to do with the essence and interests that have resided within you since the day you began this lifetime. You came here as a unique expression of God and the world is made more peaceful and whole each time someone chooses to dwell within the sacredness of themselves.

When we choose to dwell within the sacredness of ourselves, we get on with the business of living; no longer in resistance to what is and what we dislike in others. When there is nothing to resist within ourselves, the world becomes a much more peaceful place because there is no longer anything to resist outside of ourselves. Of course, we may still want to work towards a more healed version of the world, but we do this from a place of inspiration, not resistance. We naturally start to respect the differences of those around us because the peace within us is unshakable. We value the fact that everyone is a walking aspect of God whether they are asleep or awake to this truth. We no longer strike out at the God within us or the God within the person next to us. There is reverence for all, and the world becomes a more peaceful place to reside. Heaven on earth, if you will. As above, so below.

So, back to sacred space and why I think it matters. As I said before, sacred space is not a place that puts you in touch with some high and mighty God. It’s a place that puts you in touch with you. The God part of you. The unique expression of God that you innately are. This is about putting you more and more in touch with you. Knowing yourself. Valuing yourself. Loving yourself. That is the gift of sacred space. Coming into resonance with you. As we come into resonance with ourselves, we enter the peaceful, unshakable, all loving part of ourselves for longer and longer periods of time. We are still humans walking through this rough and tumble human experience. It is okay to not be perfect, no one is expecting you to be, and you are always worthy of your own unconditional love. The more you can embrace the value of yourself, simply for existing, the happier you will be. And consequently, the more peaceful our world will be.

To create a sacred space, you simply need to be willing to be loving towards yourself, as often as possible, and to know what makes you feel good. Everyday, we have an opportunity to show ourselves kind and loving gestures. You can afford yourself the habit of turning off the TV and going to bed on time, make yourself a nourishing breakfast, fold your clothes instead of throwing them in a dirty pile on the floor, use your favorite lotion to appreciate the skin you’re in, or take a moment to listen to the rain against your window. You can make anything sacred by honoring the sacredness of you being here in a body, on this earth, at this time. You are so wildly sacred!

In addition to offering yourself loving actions, you can also decorate your space with whatever it is that makes you feel good. We are all unique in regard to what is attractive to us, which is reflection of the unique aspect of God that you are. There is no pressure here to get things right. Just trust the pull within you that naturally moves towards what you love. If a bright orange bedspread makes you feel a zest for life, embrace it! If monotone colors feel lifeless for others but puts you in a state of serenity, then Serenity Now! Go for it! If a well-loved childhood stuffed animal sitting on your bed brings you a sense of light-hearted joy, then let your spirits be lifted! You will know when something is right for you when you feel a spark of affinity. What you want wants you too. No justification necessary.

The more you can embrace this, the more you will develop a deeper level of trust and love for yourself. You will know what you know and not question it. You will move into greater harmony with the truth of who you are. And that is exactly what the world needs. Humans who have come home to the divinity within themselves so we may then offer more and more permission for the divinity in others to be revealed. This is the beauty that sacred space can help facilitate. And there is nothing superficial about that.

Much love to you, my friend.


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