What: Learn how to create beautiful spaces in your home, through intentional design, that are supportive to your personal transformation journey.
Who: Any personal growth minded person who wants to change or augment one aspect of their life through the fun process of interior design.
How: 4 weeks, 1 hour weekly calls on Tuesdays @ 12pm Mountain Time + homework in between calls. Calls will be recorded for those unable to attend live. First class in on September 5, 2023.
Cost: $100
This is both an exploratory and creative course to use the power of your home and your intentions to support personal transformation. In this four week course, each participant will focus on one area of their life that they wish to transform. Through weekly group calls and homework in between those calls, you will develop a whole new level of clarity on why you have created what you have created in your life thus far, how to use your home to help you process stuck energy and emotions, and how to engage in the fun process of using your intuition and design to create a new story and new outcomes in your life.
Using intentional design to support personal transformation is like coaching, therapy, and design all rolled into one fun process without some of the pitfalls that can occur in those modalities. Traditional coaching can sometimes run the risk of never addressing underlying emotions that need to be felt in order to create lasting change. Traditional therapy can sometimes keep someone stuck in their head rather than implementing quick, effective tools than can help someone process old emotions once and for all. Traditional interior design, while typically leading to beautiful results, can run the risk of not capturing someone’s soul essence and rather enforces old ego identities.
The beauty of intentional design is that we first look to the place that cannot deceive you and is always telling the truth about your internal state of being: your home! In Week One, I will teach you how to analyze your home in a way that clearly tells you information about yourself that can sometimes be obscured from you or traditional coaches or therapists. You will gain a new level of clarity on what patterns or beliefs have been keeping you stuck. In Week Two, you will learn how to use your home to help you process emotions as they arise; emotions that have been keeping you in an unconscious pattern and producing less than desirable results. In Week Three, I will walk you through a process to use your intuition to create a space that removes stuck energies and implements design elements that are in energetic alignment with your soul intentions. You will learn how to know exactly what to remove from your home and what colors and décor to implement when redecorating. In Week Four, we will refine your designs and bring to light new insights about yourself that are ready to be uncovered. The tools that you will gain throughout this course will be ones that you can implement again and again throughout your life. As dynamic humans that are continually evolving and growing, you will learn how to continually use your space to understand and support yourself through times of personal transformation.
More than anything, this course is about self-love. Self-love involves a commitment to showing up for yourself no matter where you are at and no matter what you are feeling. It’s about an unwavering dedication to offering yourself unconditional love no matter what is happening or what you are feeling. Using your home to understand yourself, offer yourself unconditional love, and create a space that reflects the truth of who you are today and who you are becoming is a fun and powerful way to create personal transformation. Of course you will learn how to create a beautiful space that supports your desires but most importantly, you will learn a process for creating real, lasting transformation that is built on the foundation of self-love. You will learn how to build an unshakable home within yourself that you can take and make beautiful wherever you go.
If you’re ready for that, then feel free to signup below to be notified of when the next course will become available. I look forward to getting to know and support you in the future.
All my love,
Our time together is in no way intended to serve as a form of therapy nor can I guarantee specific changes in your life.
Payment is collected in full at the time of booking. You may not cancel your order once it is placed.